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Storm Eowyn - Changes to bus services

See the latest information about how bus services will be affected.

Performance Management Framework

How are we doing?

A comprehensive Performance Management Framework is being developed for monitoring and reporting the achievement of SWestrans' strategic objectives.

The elements of the Performance Management Framework include:

Regional Transport Strategy Delivery Plan (PDF, 484 KB)(opens new window)

The Delivery Plan sets specific transport projects to help deliver the strategic objective of the RTS and improve transport services for the region.

Regional Transport Strategy Monitoring and Review Framework (PDF, 42 KB)(opens new window)

Development of a matrix of performance indicators to monitor progress over the years

The progress of SWestrans is monitored annually to the Board in the form of an Annual Report.

The Business Plan (PDF, 65 KB)(opens new window)

The Business Plan provides a link between the strategic Priority Interventions in the RTS Delivery Plan and the project details listed in the Capital and Revenue Expenditure Programmes each year.

SWestrans Risk Register 2023-24 (PDF, 153 KB)(opens new window)

The Risk Register highlights the possible Corporate, Strategic or Operational risks associated with undertaking SWestrans projects and objectives.

SWestrans works alongside its partner, Dumfries and Galloway Council, for its Health and Safety risk management.

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